Honolulu, Hawaii 96818 USA
(808) 392-7263
Software Engineering , Database Management , Mobile App Development , Web Development
Languages and Frameworks: Assembly, C, C++, HTML/CSS, Java, Javascript, Meteor, Python, React, EXT.JS
Toolsets/OS: Windows 10, Windows 11, Ubuntu, Linux, Git/GitHub, Android Studio
Other Skills: Fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese
Software Engineer,
Software Engineer at VITS
2024 - Present
Software Engineering Associate,
Software Engineering Analyst at AFS
2022 - 2024
University of Hawaii At Manoa
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
GPA: Cum Laude
2018 - 2021
Tabletop Tools - Group project for ICS 466. We developed an Android app aims to incorporate essential and customizable game tools like dice roll, coin flip, and spinner. The all also have points tracking feature.
AlgoTrix - Group project for ICS 427. The project aims to create a help site to help with Algorithm (ICS-311) courses, with some security practices.
Event Planner - Group project for ICS 414. Project aims create a basic ICS file reader with our understanding of the ICS file structure. With the Graphic User Interface built entirely with Tkinter.
Club Lounge - Final group project for ICS 314. The project to aims create a place for Manoa club to host their event details.
Discord Bot - A moderation Discord bot made with Discord.py and MongoDB. It contains standard moderation commands like prune, kick, and ban; but also have a chat scanner to remove "inappropriate" messages and a raid detection system.
Mario Flappy Bird Game - Final project (group) for ICS 111 made using EZJava. A flappy bird style mario universe themed game.
Hurricane Survival Game - The second project for ICS 111 made with EZJava.
2016 SRP Help Desk, Liliha Library - 2016 Summer Reading Program
One of the help desk consultant for the 2016 summer reading program
2016 - 2016
2017 SRP Help Desk, Liliha Library - 2017 Summer Reading Program
One of the help desk consultant for the 2017 summer reading program
2017 - 2017
B+ Scholarship, State of Hawaii, 2018-2021
Scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen and continuing students who complete a rigorous high school curriculum with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 at a Hawai'i public school.
Lung Doo Benevolent Society Scholarship, Lung Doo Benevolent Society, 2018-2020
Scholarship awarded to college students with GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Dean's List, UH@Manoa, 2018, 2020-2021
Awarded to students with GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Available upon request